The path to the Android SDK must also be given when creating a project. Additional files may be required for some devices in order to allow WINDEV Mobile and the SDK to properly detect them. These tools are available in the WINDEV Mobile version that is currently being used. WINDEV Mobile does not support functions that are specific to Windows. Importing Webservices that are compatible with version 14 is not possible. It is not possible to import the former RAD compatible version 11. This content has been automatically translated. Click here to view the French version.
Windev Mobile 20
Password 123
Android version 4.0 will not be affected by the generated apps. Select “Use local help database” in the “Help” tab and enter the path to your product’s “Help” directory. On the same development machine, you should not install the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the same software. It is not recommended to install WINDEV, WEBDEV, or WINDEV Mobile 64 bits. If you have multiple elements in your project, this setup is recommended. This page explains how to install WINDEV and WEBDEV in 64-bit mode.
Validate the window, then proceed with the application generation wizard. These elements can also manually be installed.
This setup is not recommended as the tools may be out of sync with WINDEV Mobile’s version. WINDEV Mobile will only use the most recent version if it is available.
The JDK suffices. You don’t need to download additional modules. Run “SDK Manager.exe”. This program installs the Android SDK and its updates. Only the “Standalone SDK”, which is necessary to develop Android apps with WINDEV Mobile, is required.
Zip the archive files to a directory on your development computer. Gradle version 5.4.1 allows you to compile Android projects using WINDEV Mobile 26. WINDEV Mobile requires the Android SDK version 4. This version is required to create applications for Android 4.0 or later. The data model editor connects in 64-bit. The local help on your computer will be used as the default help.
Windev Mobile 20 System Requirements
- Memory (RAM): 1 GB of RAM required.
- Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
- Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later.
- Hard Disk Space: 3 GB of free space required.