SmartClose Download Free for Windows 7, 8, 10

After shutting down the automatic shutdown of all programs running and every Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer window, as well as any running services, SmartClose can create a snapshot of your system. The snapshot will later be utilized in the SmartClose Restore Wizard to restart the programs that were closed previously, Explorer windows, and services. From the main interface, you’ll need to click the “Create a system snapshot” and close all applications and services. If you’re unsure of what these options mean you can simply continue using the default settings without changing any settings.


Password 123

The laws regarding how to use this program vary from one country to the next. We do not recommend or support any use of this software that is in violation of the laws.

We’ll then choose the location for the snapshot file, and lastly, we’ll be able the creation the image. After installing the program, we’ll install it that we’ve realized we require. SmartClose shuts down all running programs and saves the current status of the system, including all programs running as a system snapshot’. The snapshot is able to be restored later using SmartClose and all shutdown applications will restart. Sometimes, you need to shut down all running programs, for instance when defragmenting, or after installing specific software applications. You can manually close every program in turn or utilize SmartClose which will shut down every running program on your behalf. SmartClose is a free application that automatizes the process of closing all programs that are running.

In this scenario, the installation process may be unable to finish successfully. This same advice applies when you are looking to defragment your hard drive. You should shut down all programs and frequently running applications (e.g. anti-virus utilities).

It is easy to close the program and immediately launch everything again. Find out more about the legal and free ways to download the software in 2022. Check for passwords and settings that are unsafe as well as suspicious add-ons and outdated software. This is when a harmless software is incorrectly flagged as malicious because of an excessively broad detection signature or algorithm that is used in antivirus software. SmartClose is a fairly lightweight program that doesn’t require more storage space than most popular programs in the field of Software utilities. It is a popular program utilized across Italy, the United States, and the United Kingdom. SmartClose is a great free program that’s available only for Windows It is included in the software utility category that includes Maintenance as a subcategory and is released by BM-productions.

SmartClose Features

The primary issue that SmartClose was designed to solve is the way that your computer saves a lot of its most crucial choices and settings in a wrong manner. Most people are not aware of this, but each when you log into your computer, a multitude of these registry files are utilized by Windows to remember everything from the wallpaper on your desktop to your Internet favorites. Unfortunately, a lot of these registry files are damaged and are not readable, which causes them to not be readable by your computer. Once you’ve finished, make use of SmartClose to restore snapshots previously saved to restore all your programs.


To start, simply select ‘Restore a previously taken System Snapshot’ on your main menu. It’s the Restore Wizard that asks you to select the snapshot of your system that you’d like to restore, then select the applications from the snapshot you wish to open, and then select what other apart from the apps SmartClose can restore.

One program you’ll find extremely useful in this situation is SmartClose. SmartClose will shut down any running program, turn off the screen saver, and shut down any other process that it can interrupt without having to ask.

How to get SmartClose For Free

We’ll utilize SmartClose to create an instant backup of your system prior to installing the missing program, and afterward restore all running programs. What happens after the work is done and you’d like to restore everything removed by SmartClose? Yes, since prior to when SmartClose shuts down or turns off anything it will save the current status for the entire system (running programs, screen saver) …) to a system snapshot’ that can open and be restored in the future. In essence, SmartClose stores your running program as an internal system snapshot that is able to be restored in the future.

We’d like to point out that occasionally we might overlook a potentially harmful software program. To keep delivering the safest catalog of software and applications we have integrated the Report Software feature in every catalog page. It relays your feedback to us. SmartClose can be used on almost any 32-bit Windows edition that runs all the way from Windows 7 all the way into Windows 95. To install the program first, you need to download a small executable (it’s less than 1MB in size) and then run it after which follow the instructions provided by the wizard for setting up. It’s a normal procedure to install in the way you consider it, one that can be completed quickly and without difficulties. Wizards help you navigate how to close your programs and restore a snapshot of your system. The Close Programs Wizard will ask you about the tasks you would like to accomplish, what programs you would like to secure, and the location you wish to save your system snapshot.

BlockedIt’s very likely that this program is infected with malware or has unneeded software. This software program could be dangerous or could contain unwelcome software that is bundled. CleanIt’s very likely that this software is free of viruses. SmartClose is a freeware program that every user must have within their toolbox.

In the course of tests, SmartClose handled various programs exceptionally efficiently. In those instances, it used SmartKill to complete an operation quickly. Restoring programs is as easy and fast as stopping them. Of course, it is possible to manually close each program one at a time one, then disable the screen saver …, however, that’s the point where SmartClose is in. SmartClose will shut down every program running, turn off the screen saver and cease all other processes that could be interrupted without needing to ask.

Updated: March 22, 2022 — 1:01 am

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