Connected Spice models are connected to Library Manager to automate the building of library entries. If a user creates a new file and it is loaded into a computer with no material, it opens with the first material on the list. Get More Softwares From Getintopc
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Intusoft Magnetics Designer
The professional can directly to directly into the Magnetics Designer panel where you can set the parameters by yourself. Virtually all single-phase and layer wound inductors, as well as transformers that run from 10Hz to more than 5 MHz, can be synthesized using Magnetics Designer. Power Supply Designer combines the Power Deluxe version of the ICAP/4Windows analog and mixed-signal simulator with a robust Magnetics Designer synthesizing transformers and inductors tools.
Intusoft Magnetics Designer Features
Designs that are based on the previous SMPS Wizard will have higher than expected core losses. It is recommended to check any designs that were created using the old SMPS Wizard for temperature rise with corrections to the Volts average. The program provides mathematical equations and algorithms that it employs to determine the transformer’s or inductor’s performance. Different calculated values can be found on the right-hand side of the screen for transformers. The design of a new model can be identified by selecting the core family, vendor, and substance selecting the transformer or inductor, and then entering the number of primary windings and secondary windings.
Magnetics Designer develops and synthesizes various types of section and layer inductors and wound transformers, according to user-defined electrical specifications. The winding sheets report as well as SPICE-compatible models with parasitics are available as output. A database that includes thousands of cores, a vast variety of wire and materials is provided. You can also add your own cores material and wire information via an Excel(c) spreadsheet. There are a variety of core suppliers supported, as well as formvar, double or square round magnet wires, Litz wire, PCB tracer, and foil.
Common applications are high-frequency switching-regulator transformers, output chokes for off-line, full-wave forward, and full-wave converters; 60 Hz single-phase line transformers; AC inductors magnetic devices with planar design, and air-craft transformers with 400Hz. The program forecasts leakage and magnetizing inductances as well as inter-winding capacitance, high flux density DC resistivity of windings, high-frequency AC resistance, copper loss, and loss to the core, weight temperature rise, window fill, and layer fill percent.
Core companies like TDK, Magnetics, Philips, Thomson, Micrometals, Siemens, Kaschke, Ferrite International, VAC, and Fair-Rite are represented. Magnetics Designer is a stand-alone software program that runs on Windows that can design all kinds of layers (and split bobbins and sector) wound inductors and transformers and produces a SPICE model. Magnetics Designer uses proprietary algorithms to determine the most suitable core size, number of turns, and the size of wire. This helps to reduce the power loss for a specific temperature rise within the smallest core.
The program considers specific design parameters like the maximum window size allowed and peak flux density as well as temperature increase. To begin designing it is first necessary to select your core’s family of choice and the material. Once you have entered the operating frequency then Core Wizard will be activated. Core Wizard function will select the right core to complete the task.
This number, MPL/muMax can be seen in the user’s Data Buttons in the event that the gap is determined by an individual user at be less than that of the min. The new Field Simulation algorithms allow for the most accurate calculation of AC losses. You can set the cost at 1 to ensure that the core is not chosen. Correction of a problem in which margins could change to inaccurate values upon switching to the tab for bobbins. A number of hundred ACME cores made of ferrite are now in the database.
How to Get Intusoft Magnetics Designer for Free
A unique family known as Cool Mu E550mu gap has been created to offer a way to allow Magnetics Designer to auto-select the gap.
You are able to browse the database for the core and select another core should you wish. You can also lock the selected core geometry, or let the program modify it as part of the optimization process. The electrical specifications like the current and voltage per winding are displayed on the Transformer screen. The ICAP/4 schematics have been added to demonstrate the utility of using the SMPS Wizard to design transformers.
An amazing program that can assist engineers in creating the transformers as well as inductors. The latest analysis algorithms enable calculations of magnetic fields as well as more accurate calculations of AC losses. The algorithms are used to create the SPICE version, with the aid of a wizard that allows you to enter important parameters and databases with the elements added to the materials. The “Bobbin” tab displays the cross-section of the bobbin’s core with windings.
The red horizontal lines indicate the insulation, while black/grey lines show the strength of the field. All, in the end, Power Supply Designer designs the design, simulates, and tests the entire power system or any other analog, mixed-signal or mixed-systems model. The design entry and schematic management system also provide footprint information to work using the Bartels AutoEngineer PCB layout and routing software. The minimum gap is the minimum air gap that is specified by the vendor of the core. When the Apply button is clicked the gap that is minimum is limited by the proportion of the magnetic path length to the permeability of the material.
Problem with windings being identified when windings were ordered reversed. Automatically convert tabs into spaces within the saved reports, so that columns align when viewing in “Notepad” with the courier font. Below are the major features, which you’ll experience when you download Intusoft Magnetics Designer 1999. Secured from reading older files that did not have field analysis. When the gaps turn is set at zero, it changes them to one to ensure that it doesn’t the division by zero.
The expanded Transformer screen shows more information about winding including current density as well as winding weight. Ability to manage split winding configurations of bobbin and sector. Additional sanity traps were added to catch errors while taking a look at the database’s core.
Intusoft Magnetics Designer System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
- Memory (RAM): 1 GB of RAM required.
- Hard Disk Space: 20 MB of free space required.
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or later.