Steam Mover Download Free For Windows 7, 8, 10

In the majority of cases, when the users run out of the disk space, they’ll have no choice but to remove a few of the files to find some space? The Steam Mover is a program that provides you extra storage space for your Steam files. It’s a portable system that’s very lightweight, denoting that it takes up small hard drive space. If you run out of the space on the SSD, this program permits you to move the gaming files related to your Steam service to some other location and keep on using them. The flexibility and simplicity of the UI is something you’ll like and appreciate about the app.

Password 123

In fact, there’s no requirement of setting up; the work is simply to run the execution file, and you have the program in the system. When you delete the file, you’ll have no fret of the registry file left that’ll fill up the drive space. It’s a program that can run and support all your Steam apps with the least amount of effort. You’ll have no option but simply to run modifications in the command line prompt and manage to keep it within your system.Do Clonezilla Download

Advantages & Disadvantages Of The Steam Mover App:


  • You can profit from that speedy, but small, SSD by just saving the games you frequently play on your SSD and moving your older games onto the slower but larger hard drive. And all the games stay playable in the steam.
  • You can save all the steam games on several drives, and they all keep working! You no longer need to carry out the install or uninstall shuffle for getting enough drive space on drive C:\ for that newest game.
  • If you desire to check what it is really doing and running all the commands from the command line, check the option that says I want to run the commands myself. Note that this application can run commands one at a time, and stops if it receives any issue.

Steam Mover


  • Things might go wrong. I accept no liability for the missing files, yadda, yadda, yadda. It is moving many files around without checking much on the permissions, so it might not be ideal. It does work well for us, though. If it does break, you might need to move/copy files around yourself, restore from the backup, or download the steam games again.Do Remix OS Player Download
  • No warranty available whatsoever
  • It needs the NTFS formatted drives. It’ll also not work with the FAT32.
  • Needs MS Win Vista or above (Win 8.1, 8, 7, all of these are reported to work well). It’ll not work on Win XP, though.
  • The Junction Points can just relocate the full folders, not your individual files. So unluckily, it’ll not assists with the huge .gcf files in the steamapps folder (mostly the Valve games like the Half-Life series and the Counter-Strike). To the ones that have asked, we’ve tried utilizing mklink for making the hard-links, but they don’t work to link to the other drives; they just offer the shortcut to the file on the same disk.

How To Install Steam Mover?

  • It is a Delphi app; therefore, there is no installer needed.
  • Simply unzip the downloaded to wherever you desire and run its execution file.
  • If you receive any permission issues when moving the folders, you might have to right-click and choose the Run as Administrator option.

How Can You Utilize This Software?

So how can you move the steam games to a new laptop or some other SSD? Follow this tutorial step-by-step and check how you can utilize the app download for moving the games easily.

Steam Mover Download

Move Steam Games & Client To Some Other Disk:

Follow this step-by-step guide for switching the Steam installation disk without reinstallation:

Step#1: Connect You Destination Disk To The PC

Where do you desire to put your games from the original location? Utilize the right method of connecting your drive to the PC. Run your games transfer program > select App Migration > click on Start.Do ConvertXtoDVD Download

Step#2: Select The Games You Desire To Change The Location

On the left bar, select the original disk where the game tools are installed, find your games and check the checkboxes > click on Browse for selecting the target disk as your file path. After that, click on Transfer.

Step#3: Transfer Your Games To The Destination Disk

The program will work on moving the chosen games from the original location to the modified location. Wait for the procedure to complete.Do Adobe Premiere Pro Free Download

Three-Step Migration Of The Steam Games & Client To A New Computer Or Laptop:

Here’s a three-step tutorial to refer to complete the migration task of the Steam game between the old PC and the new gaming PC or laptop:

Step#1: Running The Todo PCTrans On Both Computers

On the source computer, choose PC-to-PC from the main screen > move on.

Step#2: Connecting The Two PCs

  • Choose the target computer for connecting through its device name or IP address > click on Connect.
  • Type in the log in password of the target computer > click OK for confirming. If you did not see your target computer in the devices list, you could click on Add PC for connecting your target computer manually by inputting the device name or IP address.
  • Set the move direction, Transfer from this computer to another computer > click on OK for continuing.

Step#3: Choosing The Programs, Applications & Software And Transferring To The Target PC

  • Click on Edit on the app section > open up the app list > select what you desire to move from the current PC to your target computer.
  • After choosing the desired programs and apps, simply click on Finish for confirming. Finally, click on Transfer for starting the transferring procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions Section:

Besides providing the best app for you, we also gathered a few top concerned questions about the steam games moving and left a short answer below to every question. If you also have the same questions, read on to get the answers here now:

Q: Does The Steam Mover App Really Work?

Yes, but it actually depends. The app can work by transferring all the data in the linked folder to the secondary disk, linking the new folder you choose for the previous steam games folder, and making it load the game data from a new folder. However, this application is just accessible on Windows 7, 8, and Vista. The old Windows XP and newest Windows 10 aren’t supported.Do Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Free Download

Q: Can I Move The Complete Steam Folder To Some Other Drive?

Yes, by manually finding the Steam Library folder, the users can easily transfer it to some other new disk. However, we would not recommend you do so as any improper or careless operation might reason your Steam games or Steam client loading failure issue. A more severe issue might occur on the PC.

Q: Can I Transfer Steam From Drive C:\ To Drive D:\?

Manually, yes. But it is not easy as manually transferring the folder might cause the Steam game or client data loading failure. A more safe option is to simply apply the dependable Steam Mover program for moving the game app and related data to your target disk at one time.Do Microsoft Office 2013 Download


The Steam Mover app download is extremely light on your system resources, utilizing an extremely low amount of RAM and CPU. It’s an excellent response time to different commands and finishes a task in no time. We haven’t seen any problems throughout our assessment since the app didn’t crash, hang, or show problems. All things considered, the Steam Mover app download provides a straightforward solution to relocating your Steam application files.

Updated: October 4, 2020 — 2:37 pm

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