The Flaresim License Installation program will display the following view. After you have completed the installation, Figures 2-15 will be displayed. Figure 2-13 will display the next screen. This screen allows you to choose the type of installation. You can enter the report data in any of the units you choose and convert it to any other unit at any time. You can model pipe flares, sonic flares, and liquid burners using a variety of algorithms.
Softbits Flaresim 5
Password 123
Similar plots of noise and surface temperatures are available on the Noise tabs. To close this window, click the OK button. Below is a list of possible reasons Flaresim may not be able to locate the license server in order to obtain a license. * The client system doesn’t have network access to the server. To resolve these issues, run the WlmAdmin program on the client system. Next, open the list of subnet servers. To verify if a Flaresim license is available, you can open it if the Flaresim server is visible.
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2MB USB port. Supplied on CD Rom. Or download package. 280 Mb of the.Net framework, if it is not installed. If Flaresim is used as a Flaresim download package. You can download most software from this site for free. We believe that the installer-based setup can harm your computer.
Softbits Consultants Ltd and its agents and dealers do not make any warranties regarding the software or the results it generates. This program can be used by qualified engineers to assist in the analysis and design of flare systems. If the input data is not properly specified, or the program is not used within its limitations, the results may not be reliable. The user is responsible for interpreting the program’s results. Softbits Consultants Ltd will not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, punitive or exemplary damages, that may arise from the use of this program. This warranty shall be governed by the laws of England.
The installation of the Flaresim Network Version is easy. It takes 3 steps. Next, the license file needs to be added to the server. Finally, the Flaresim client program must be installed on every machine that will run Flaresim. The Flaresim license servers are any computers that have the server software installed. To begin the installation process, click the Install button. You can use the Back button to go back to previous screens if you need to modify any data.
Features of Softbits Flaresim 5
Continue from Example 2, but save your case first before you use the Save button in the Case Navigator. Use the Print button to create a report on this case.
Click on the ellipse and draw a circle in the helideck rectangle. Move to point 50, -100, click and hold the left mouse button, and drag to point 30, 180. Continue from Example 3 by saving your case. To open the view for the Sonic Tip, double-click on the Sonic Tip branch in the Case Navigator view.
Flaresim offers a simple interface that allows you to access program actions via menus and toolbar options. Data entry can be done through a variety of data views that are controlled from a single Case Navigator view. Context-sensitive assistance is available at every point to help the user with the program’s use and selecting the appropriate design parameters. Flaresim output can be customized with the user being able to choose between summary and detailed output.
To calculate further downwind, you can adjust the maximum downwind distance in the Input Data tab. The effect of changing the terrain to Urban or Rural on stability class. The H2S concentrations will be higher near the flare if the atmosphere is turbulent or when urban terrain classification is used. These parameters are sensitive and you need to select the right environment settings for your flare location. Select the H2S component on the Pollutant Data tab.
We have been given 20 mph as our value. Click the entry that displays ft/s to open the drop-down menu and then select mph before entering the value. Click again in the unit’s entry to display the converted value in ft/s.
Select the Fluids branch in the Case Navigator view. Click the Add button to create new Fluids and open their view. In the Helideck Elevation Receptor Grid, open the Plot Overlay tab. The dimensions of the drawing that we will import are 1050 ft in width and 750 feet high. The point that corresponds to the base of the main stack in the model can be found at point 500 350 in the drawing. Click the Add Rectangle button to draw a rectangle that will represent the platform outline starting at the top left corner, -200,0 and ending at the bottom right corner, 50,-200. You can do this by clicking the right mouse button and dragging it to the next point. The stack’s new length is 96ft.
They offer powerful insight and can be combined in one package. This will allow you to reduce assumptions as well as eliminate the need to transfer information between platforms. You can now switch between different thermodynamic and property packages to ensure you get the right design every time.
Softbits Flaresim 5 System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
- Memory (RAM): 1 GB of RAM required.
- Hard Disk Space: 200 MB of free space required.
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or later..