The main feature of NHibernate is the mapping of .NET classes to tables in databases. NHibernate also comes with data retrieval and query capabilities. The new NHibernate Profiler is optimized to be compatible with web-based applications. you’ll see the App_Start folder to the solution Explorer.
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NHibernate Profiler
You are free to use other features in an exercise. As you can see that we have a beautiful display that shows when we’ve initiated the transaction, how the SQL does to the database, and in the most attractive layout. Remove this statement as well and just add a simple call NHibernateProfiler.Initialize as shown in the following code. It will also show that NHibernate Profiler is launched after it has been installed. It requires a license to be used, however for demonstration purposes, you can try the trial version for 30 days. Version for NHibernate Profiler. Visual understanding of the interactions of your databases and your application code. Session Factory Statistics View the complete list of Session factories your application has created.
Start NHibernate Profiler and then run your application to display what’s in the SQL query within NHibernate PROFILER. This is actually the SQL code is issued and performed by NHibernate. It is therefore very helpful for finding out what happens inside the NHibernate application. The application will download all necessary software for using the NHibernate Profiler Once it has been installed successfully, you will receive an error message. Go on to the NuGet Manager console using the Tools menu, and then select the NuGet Package Manager – – Package Manager Console. Inspect expensive queries Let’s look at all the queries in order by the time it took for the query to run.
It’s comparable in features to Hibernate 3.2 with regards to features. Since the 2.0 version, NHibernate dropped support for .NET 1.1. NHibernate 1.2.1 was launched in November 2007 added a variety of features that were introduced in Hibernate 3 and support for .NET 2.0 generics, stored procedures as well as nullable type. It’s as simple to understand, we’re finished using the map.
NHibernate Profiler Features
The app may be stunning with a smooth and clean interface. It doesn’t matter if the app’s performance is not great. Once you’ve done that, press”Execute. “Execute” option (or select the Ctrl + Shift+E shortcut). If everything is fine you will receive an indication that the command has been successfully executed. If you return to SQL Server Object Explorer and click “Refresh,” your newly created table will be listed under the database ContactListDb. Test Conclusions Introduce Database operations as well as the table operation there are stored procedures, views, and stored procedures. This report … NHibernate was created with Tom Barrett, and later was picked up from Mike Doerfler and Peter Smulovics.
To make all of these easy deletions, you must delete the App_Start directory and also notice that a statement is placed to the Main method within the Programmer class. It is the NHibernate Profiler can be described as an object-relational mapping tool that acts as a live visualization diagnostic tool for NHibernate. It can identify slow SQL data queries, removing the needless work of the database to improve the efficiency of the entire application. This NHibernate Profiler also alerts users to queries that consume too much time and then will direct them to the appropriate section of the C# code. We’ll teach you how to begin using the NHibernate framework profiler. We’re going to start by creating an example application to profile. Find other questions on SQL-server-profiler NHibernate-profiler or your own query. Carlos is a .NET software developer who has worked in both web and desktop development. He’s currently testing his skills on mobile.
How to get NHibernate Profiler Free
Analyzing and identifying the most common mistakes with Nhibernate. In Session, loaded objects Display the entity that was loaded during the session you selected. View Session Activity View every statement of a particular session. Overall Session Usage See the overall stats for the session you have selected.
When everyone has taken their seats, you begin the presentation. Start your browser, type an address into your address bar and hit enter, and magic takes place. The updated version of the program is available for everyone to view it’s the result of years of work and commitment. Another method to examine the results is by using NHibernate Profiler. NHibernate Profiler is a commercial tool, but it’s extremely useful for using NHibernate applications.
Access Stack trace for Query Let’s examine the stack trace of the code paths used to execute the specified statement. Click on any trace of a stack to open the code within Visual Studio. Check Alerts for Statements NHibernate Profiler look over your statements for many instances of misuse of NHibernate. If it finds any of these, an alert notification is added in the alerts tab. This tab will also show any errors that are reported through NHibernate itself. Export to HTML The profile can export all of the data the profile gathers to an HTML file that you can forward the file to your DBA for analysis of the data. Examine Unique Queries view all the unique queries ordered by the number of times the query was completed.
In the year 2005, in the end, JBoss, Inc. employed Sergey Koshcheyev, then the lead developer of NHibernate and NHibernate, to work full-time on the development of future versions. In the year 2006, JBoss has stopped providing support to this project. It’s currently being developed and managed by the community. In terms of configuration, that’s basically the only thing it has to offer, at the very least with regard to NHibernate itself. The next step for us is configuring how we map our database table and the model. NHibernate Profiler is a real-time visual debugger that allows developing team members to obtain valuable insights and insight into their use of NHibernate. As in the above image, it is necessary to click “Data” beneath “Visual C#.” In the center panel, select “XML File” as the kind of item you want to add. Then, you can set “hibernate.cfg.xml” for the name of the file and click”Add. “Add” click.
After a lot of searching the team and you realize that the issue is not something else than SQL. It’s not just any normal SQL or even a SQL it was queries created through your ORM, NHibernate. However, the presentation begins in a negative way. It’s not because the application looks ugly or doesn’t function correctly, but rather it’s beautiful and runs like a dream.
We’re close to launching a fully functional application. If all goes as planned you’ll get an installation success message in moments. Once you have NHibernate running, it’s time to configure it and start using it. Certain aspects of the program simply aren’t speedy enough. You begin sweating and speaking with a shaky high-pitched voice.
NHibernate Profiler System Requirements
- Memory (RAM): 512 MB of RAM required.
- Operating System: Windows 7/8/8.1/10.
- Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later.
- Hard Disk Space: 25 MB of free space required.